Shaker and Barrels. This is gonna be fun.

Former Blue Jay Lloyd Moseby joined Barry and Matt at the Alomar Sports Golf Classic to discuss his upcoming induction into the hallowed halls of Canadian Baseball.

Lloyd talks of his love for Canada and what our fine country means to him. He discusses his plans for his speech and keeping his emotions in check.

Congrats Lloyd! You deserve it.

Blue Jays catcher and walk off walker, Luke Maile, joins the boys for a chat about all things baseball. Luke talks family and how his upbringing influenced his choice of career.

Luke’s father, Rich, is discussed and it’s clear that Rich’s son admires his father.

Game planning pitchers and adjusting to new armsmiths are all touched on. It’s a wonderful piece of insight into the mind of an oft misunderstood position.

Adam Goodman goes Courtside to discuss the potential difficulties of athletes with criminal records crossing borders into other countries.

Ask Barry Davis takes live listener questions from Dave Busters in Oakville, Ontario.

The First Pitch is recorded from the Golf Classic and the managers position for the Blue Jays becomes a hot button topic.

The Fair or Foul Poll results are revealed and much, much more.

We’re on location from all over the GTA.

Lock it in!