Joe Biagini joins us to lighten the mood.

Honestly, we all need this. During the frightening times that we are currently living in Joe’s humour is such a welcome addition to Outta the Park.

MLB players wearing Daft Punk helmets, hot dogs, strawberries and painting bedrooms are just some of the topics that come up.

The First Pitch discusses how MLB is set to bring live baseball back to the masses. The re-broadcast of the infamous 2015 7th inning that featured Jose Bautista’s heroic bat flip is chatted about.

The unfortunate circumstances surrounding Roy Halladay’s death is chatted about.

Ask Barry chats about Barry’s communications with his former co-workers at Sportsnet and the most awe struck Barry has been chatting with an athlete. Matt tells a story about his experience chatting with the athlete that left him speechless.