Former Raptors Coach Butch Carter joins Outta The Park to chat about coaching.

“Babcock was a really good coach but they drafted 3 high end players that are not alphas… [sic]” - Butch Carter.

“If you were born in the 50’s or 60’s and your parents were racists, you were raised as a racist. Those people are running and controlling hockey.” - Butch Carter

Barry and Butch discuss racism at length. Its a potent conversation and one that Butch leads with grace and aplomb.

Butch details his stories about racism.

The First Pitch is a lengthly one. Barry and Matt discuss getting rid of cable in favour of streaming exclusively.

Old school coaching vs. new school coaching is discussed at length. The situation with Mike Babcock and his dealings with Mitch Marner are chatted about. Further, Bill Peters, now the former coach of the Calgary Flames, and his racial remarks hurled at former players is a topic of discussion.

Barry offers insights into the things he heard discussed in dressing rooms and clubhouses across the world of sports.

“It was not directed at anyone in particular…” Bill Peters. WHAT!?