Drinks on Us Dec 22, 2019

Matt, joined by his father Jack McFarland, chats about Green Tea and all the benefits of said tea. The guys discuss the history of green tea and how and where to grow it.

The duo taste Green Tea and are surprised.

The McFarland guys discuss Santa Claus and the NORAD tracker. How did the present day visual of Santa come to be and how does Coke fit in?

When and why did NORAD come on board.

The history of Coca Cola is discussed.

John Thomson of Eatapedia.com joined the show to chat about cooking dessert on the BBQ and it leads the guys down the rabbit hole of grilling Halloumi cheese.

Michelle Hacon, co-host of Drinks on Us, joins the show by phone to chat about Christmas traditions and the boys recount a company Christmas party.