In March the IOC's much-discussed Framework for Fairness went into effect.
Within the last 5 days, the world governing bodies for cycling and swimming essentially ignored those guidelines.
FINA's new guideline is harsh. A lowered testosterone limit, and a mandate that a potential competitor would have to transition by age 12 to be eligible to take a chance at a world or Olympic Championships.
Karleigh Webb host and extended Trans Sporter Room filled with news, views and analysis along with a group of guests who speak to the multi-sided facets of the discussion.

Alejandra Caraballo is a lawyer specializing in trans right and the Clinical Instructor at the Harvard University Law School. She'll touch on the legal aspect and will look at the issue from the eyes of her experience as a competitive swimmer.

Shauna Adkisson is a super sports fan, a queer sports leader in her hometown of Cleveland, Ohio, and she's also a special correspondent to the Trans Sporter Room. She'll have the fan perspective.

Dr. Juniper Simonis is a champion on their wheels and in the laboratory. They hold a Ph.D. in ecology and a Ph.D. in evolutionary biology, the founder of their own research firm. They are also an activist/researcher who is studying chemical weapons, and they are a 4-time World Flat Track Derby Association World Champ. She's one part of a science and sport roundtable alongside

Erica Smith. Already published and accomplished as a medical ethicist, philosopher and has her sights on medical school. She is also a two-sport athlete for Sweet Briar (Va.) College. She is the other half the roundtable, and the subject of an Outsports feature and how she, as a trans woman student-athlete pushed for and drove a lot of positive change at her school, with teammates standing and acting in solidarity

This was a series of discussions from voice that often are not heard, and need to be.
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