As many businesses migrate online, it has become more important than ever to find the right kind of people who will help you rise above the crowded space. Host, Nathan Hirsch, talks with serial entrepreneur, Tim Jordan, about eCommerce and hiring remotely. Finding success in this industry, Tim shares with us his journey of deciding […]

As many businesses migrate online, it has become more important than ever to find the right kind of people who will help you rise above the crowded space. Host, Nathan Hirsch, talks with serial entrepreneur, Tim Jordan, about eCommerce and hiring remotely. Finding success in this industry, Tim shares with us his journey of deciding to become an entrepreneur and facing the challenges in his path towards building a successful eCommerce business. He details to us what he looks for when hiring and shares his insights about online platforms and lead generation. What is more, Tim lets us in on his other businesses, Private Label Legion and Hickory Flats.