Michael Bungay Stanier, the Founder of Box of Crayons, teaches the principles of how to do less hard work and more good work to the everyday stressed out manager.

Michael opens a new door for managers who are struggling to get everything done. Often times, managers do not want to become coaches, but understanding basic coaching methods can help them to become more effective leaders. Habits also play a strong role in a leader’s ability to adapt to these new principles and succeed.

02:50 - What is Michael’s company, Box of Crayons, about? 04:10 - How do you make coaching practical for people? 04:55 - Busy managers often say they don’t have the time to coach people. 06:00 - Coaching is slightly weird. Managers don’t want to be a coach, they just want to do their job well. 09:10 - Slow down the rush to give advice to others. Often times you’re solving the wrong problem! 10:40 - Instead of Michael training to teach the benefits of coaching to busy managers, he shows them how to work less hard for more impact. 13:00 - There’s terrible advice out there on how to change your habits. 14:35 - Michael came up with a 3-part habit formula. 18:15 - High achievers aren’t exactly wired to congratulate themselves. 21:40 - Your first solution isn’t always going to be the right solution, which is why you need iterations. 22:50 - How did Michael find the strength to finish his book despite so many revisions, iterations and edits? 27:10 - How should managers think about their situation and what’s keeping them stuck? 29:15 - Why is it so hard for people to ask a good question? 32:05 - How has leadership styles evolved over the years, especially when it comes to creating an innovative culture? 35:55 - How can managers foster more engagement from their team? 40:15 - What has Michael changed his mind about recently? 41:55 - What does Michael do to remain creative? 43:15 - What’s next for Michael? 44:45 - What does Michael attribute his success to in life?


https://boxofcrayons.com/  Do More Great Work by Michael Bungay Stanier, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0761156445?ie=UTF8&tag=boxofcrayons-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789 The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier, https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-coaching-habit-michael-bungay-stanier/1122968458?ean=9780978440749