#What made the internet angry this week?

We decide which book is the ultimate 'white dude owns this but has never read it' book of all time, Elon Musk makes a hard left turn to Bond villain after his advances are rebuffed by a bunch of Thai boys, Dale turns on his hero Jordan Peterson, we sell out to the alt-right, Amazon fails to keep up with demand on the shopping holiday they invented, why retail sucks, a fond farewell to Greyhound, Things That Gave Dale Gout.

Talking points:

The ultimate 'white dude owns this but has never read it' book
Jordan Peterson is a dangerous cult leader
Elon Musk is not used to hearing 'no thanks'
Elon Musk is a messianic huckster
Subprime Day
Nothing sadder than a dead Greyhound


'You Can Count on Me' by Trophy Eyes (Derek's pick)

'Dark Saturday' by Metric (Dale's pick)

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