Previous Episode: Highway To The Danger Throne
Next Episode: Balloon Boy

What made the internet angry this week?

Adults don't know shit, and that's okay! Trump is almost definitely getting reelected, which is bad for humanity but great for this podcast! The lamest near-death experience you could possibly imagine! Is puking funny? Jon Voigt is pro-Trump, and this somehow surprises people! Dating people with the same name as your relatives! Derek and Dale are going gay for each other (and ratings.) Masturbating at work okay, but masturbating repeatedly and loudly is not, because this country is ruled by FASCISTS. How to avoid pooping next to people you have to work with. We all need a little bit of shame. 'Nature' is the latest victim of the selfie culture wars. External validation from internet strangers will only ever leave you feeling empty. Canada is getting a bunch of free garbage from the Philippines! All this and more, on a super-duper special episode of the world's least popular podcast.