Today, a special TED Countdown conversation for you!

In June 2022, TED’s climate initiative, Countdown, launched its Dilemma Series: events designed to look at some of the “knots” in the climate change space, where diverging positions have stalled progress and solidified into an inability to collaborate across differences. 

What we offer today is one of the conversations recorded as part of that event between Outrage + Optimism host Tom Rivett-Carnac, and academic, writer, and author Professor James Dyke. 

The event focused on the question: Is there a role for carbon credits in the transition to a fair, net-zero future?  We hope that Tom and James' ‘agreeable disagreement’ on this often divisive issue will be taken as an invitation to listen deeply, keep an open mind and get a little wiser on a complex topic.

Please follow the links below to view the fantastic film produced by the TED Countdown team, and gain a greater insight and understanding on the topic of carbon credits but also the process of holding space for such conversations to take place.  Carbon credits is a contentious subject that prompted some discomfort, disagreement and, ultimately, a renewed sense of possibility. Enjoy

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TED Countdown Dilemma Series

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