“Knowing what you want is a surprisingly complex equation. There are four things to help you ‘figure it out.’” —Scott Welle. In this episode, we’ll discuss a difficult question to answer: What do you want? This is a question I’ve asked myself many, MANY times, and although I don’t have all the answers, I’ll share four recommendations that might help you gain clarity on what you want. 1. Ask what YOU want (resist the societal pull). 2. Stop putting pressure on yourself and see it as an opportunity (HAVE TO or WANT / GET to). 3. Determine who you admire or don’t admire and WHY. 4. Ask if your current behaviors getting you closer to that vision? Enjoy and I hope it serves you! More free training on Outperforming The Norm can be found at https://scottwelle.com. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!