“If you are going into something saying ‘I need to produce this outcome,’ I promise it will only lead to more pressure, stress and anxiety in what you’re doing every single day.” —Scott Welle. Text OUTPERFORM to 38470. This solocast is on how the BEST perform under pressure. There are three specific things they do that allow them to not only stretch themselves to achieve and accomplish big, bold things in this world, but when they are “under the gun” of a stressful meeting, proposal, presentation, negotiation, or anything else, they are able to Outperform by letting their innate talents and abilities come out. Show notes and the video for this episode can be found at https://scottwelle.com/perform-under-pressure. Enjoy and feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn (and to see my weekly LinkedIn Lives) at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share!