“Documenting some amount of incremental improvement and ‘moving the ball down the field’ can have a massive impact not just for a teenager stuck in social comparison but for all of us as we live our lives.’” —Scott Welle. In this solocast, I tell a story from a recent keynote I had in Cedar Rapids, IA, where a gentleman approached me afterwards. He has two children - an older son that is an academic savant and a younger daughter that is stuck in social comparison and has shut down, feeling like she’s never going to be as “good” as her brother. He asked for my advice. I don’t claim to have all the answers but this podcast was my advice and it can serve us all in our journey to Outperform. Show notes can be found at https://scottwelle.com/social-comparison. Enjoy and feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn (and to see my weekly LinkedIn Lives) at https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottwelle/ or follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/scottwelle/. If you find value, please share! Keep Outperforming!