Episode 20

        Thanks for tuning into another podcast episode! Barb has had a couple of busy Nursing work weeks. She is a Charge Nurse at a local nursing home so there will be times where she is unable to get in the studio with me, please keep our nurses in prayer around the world as they continue to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves, thanks.

This one is about the Heart and with everything going on in the world right now I want to encourage you to listen/ watch and share. My question for you today is…. What’s In Your Heart? And to add to that question… What is coming out of your Heart? On social media, in the workplace, at home, school or anywhere else where you come in contact with others. Proverbs 4:23 NLT reads: 23Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Take a look at your behavior over the past week out in the world and especially on social media and answer this question to yourself… “What’s in my heart?” My prayer is that this message will impact your life as it has mine, open up your heart to Jesus and allow His love to flow from you to others. Enjoy the show, God Bless and Love To You All!

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