"The price of perfection is bankruptcy." - Mitch Russo

Mitch Russo -Executive Advisor, Business Coach and Strategy Consultant

Mitch co-founded Timeslips Corp, which grew to become the largest time tracking software company in the world before it was sold to Sage plc in 1998. Then Mitch went on to join long-time friend Chet Holmes as President, later to join forces with Tony Robbins and together created Business Breakthroughs, International with nearly 300 people and about $25M in sales.

In 2013, Mitch began writing “The Invisible Organization” which is the CEO’s guide to transitioning a traditional brick and mortar company into a fully virtual organization.

Connect With Mitch:

Website | @MitchRusso | Facebook | LinkedIn




The Invisible Organization


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"The price of perfection is bankruptcy." - Mitch Russo

Mitch Russo -Executive Advisor, Business Coach and Strategy Consultant

Mitch co-founded Timeslips Corp, which grew to become the largest time tracking software company in the world before it was sold to Sage plc in 1998. Then Mitch went on to join long-time friend Chet Holmes as President, later to join forces with Tony Robbins and together created Business Breakthroughs, International with nearly 300 people and about $25M in sales.

In 2013, Mitch began writing “The Invisible Organization” which is the CEO’s guide to transitioning a traditional brick and mortar company into a fully virtual organization.

Connect With Mitch:

Website | @MitchRusso | Facebook | LinkedIn




The Invisible Organization


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