Show highlights:

02:45 - Kallie's backstory with degree in marketing, consulting for small business, working at agency, and working at a global enterprise organization

07:00 - What did she learn from working at each: consultant for SMB, agency world variety, or global enterprise organization, what are the differences and what did Kallie prefer? Different types of accounts and different size budgets and resources

10:45 - What is global commercial marketing in her experience? Planning, execution, and measurement of digital. Compared to Product Marketing and Field Marketing with Sales Team

15:00 - How is LinkedIn used in various global digital marketing campaigns? How does a company approach and execute this in B2B? Developed markets versus emerging markets and segmentation as a practical approach

18:30 - Starting out with LinkedIn campaigns; A walk through: (1) get LinkedIn Ads Campaign Manager (2) in LinkedIn back-end, targeting by geo, job title, skills, by company, etc. (3) transcribe them to spreadsheet so that your industry experts/ biz unit can highlight persona and audience if you don't know (4) what are you promoting (5) considering passive audience on LinkedIn, what do touches look like? Follow-up/ nurture processes

26:45 - Insight Tag for retargeting; should we care about retargeting as businesses marketing B2B on LinkedIn? Attribution of campaign influence back to LinkedIn (First Touch, Last Touch, and Multi-touch for track-ability)

30:50 - Best practices in campaign attribution, multi-touch for understanding the whole buyers journey; considering demand generation (leads and revenue to prove ROI for marketing effort) first touch can help assign credit to Close/Won in Salesforce

35:30 - How to A/B test offer and creative because it matters; we are over served content and A/B testing is a way through being empathetic to what audience wants, data represents the human experience on the LinkedIn platform

42:00 - LinkedIn Video Ads, telling a story on a non-video platform, considering it's new as of 2018 (reference article that people watch silent video on social media)

47:00 - Key performance indicators as global digital marketing, and on LinkedIn specifically, plus a few examples in other channels (Google Ads vs Email Marketing vs Organic content) and justifying return on investment based on budget

53:30 - Closing remarks, where to find Kallie Bonnell online/ send questions