And hello again. Welcome back and I apologize for being away so long. The explanation is in today’s episode. Today is chapter 10 of my re-mastered and re-edited podcast novel ‘Outcast.’ As always, I am cross-posting this episode on my original ‘Outcast’ podcast feed. In today’s chapter, Dalan makes sure his new house guest is …

And hello again. Welcome back and I apologize for being away so long. The explanation is in today’s episode.

Today is chapter 10 of my re-mastered and re-edited podcast novel ‘Outcast.’ As always, I am cross-posting this episode on my original ‘Outcast’ podcast feed.

In today’s chapter, Dalan makes sure his new house guest is alive and well after finding her near death the night before. Afterward, he sets out to find a job and make his first few productive steps in this new life of his.

Show Notes


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