Unifor President Jerry Dias joins the Showgram to rip executives who are getting rich during the pandemic while front line workers are disrespected.

nananananananana.... Bea Serdon is being called a Batman, and has signed up 120 people for vaccinations with Vaccine Hunters

Joe Walsh former congressman thinks Biden 'burgergate' is laughable.

The Showgram comes to a close with Jim Bits!

Unifor President Jerry Dias joins the Showgram to rip executives who are getting rich during the pandemic while front line workers are disrespected.

nananananananana.... Bea Serdon is being called a Batman, and has signed up 120 people for vaccinations with Vaccine Hunters

Joe Walsh former congressman thinks Biden 'burgergate' is laughable.

The Showgram comes to a close with Jim Bits!

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