As spiritual beings here for a physical experience, our skin suits can get roughed up in the process. And what we experience in the body always has an intersection with our emotional and energetic states. Sometimes it’s nice to seek assistance from someone who has a foot in both the spiritual and medical worlds. Medical intuitive Timothy Wallace is here to share some of the ways he feels intuitively into physical systems … and how you might be able to listen more closely to your body, too.


Psychic medium, intuitive, and healer Timothy Wallace entered the energy healing space following a twenty-five-year career as a physician assistant. Free of the “healthcare provider” label and all that entails, he found he could help others in ways he never imagined.

Timothy combines his finely-tuned attention to detail with an innate ability to be fully present in a body scan that helps you better understand your current state of health. He has completed a three-year mentorship program with Joseph Shiel and has been a featured medium with NJ Psychic Dinners. Find out more at