What if there was a deeper, truer way of communicating that went beyond the bias and trauma coded in the words we use? So much contradictory and emotionally charged information is coming at us from all directions, and it’s easy to get lost in reactivity. Dr. Synthia Andrews says returning to our inner wisdom now is essential, and we can do that by clearing preconceptions and restore the language all beings understand.


Synthia Andrews is a licensed naturopathic doctor and energy intuitive. She is a writer and teacher, authoring and co-authoring eight books on energy, healing, and consciousness. She taught for fifteen years at the Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy and taught in the Bodywork school at the Kripalu Yoga Institute. Currently, she has a private practice in Guilford, Ct, and continues to teach through on-line courses and mentoring. She's the author of Subtle Energy Work: Meditative Exercises for Healing, Self Care and Inner Balance. Find out more at explorationsinenergy.com.