How many journals do you own? People buy me beautiful blank books … and I buy them for myself. I promise I will write in them … I sit down with a fancy pen … open the book … and nothing. This has been going on for years. On today’s show, Noelle Van Vlierbergen shares how she came up with a method that actually works to get you journaling, and how this practice can help you move through change.

You can find the freebie Noelle offers in our interview (a tool to help you feel better in 3 minutes) by clicking right here. 


Noelle Van Vlierbergen is a certified Integrative Health Counselor, Life and Addiction Recovery Coach.

She is the author of Day by Daybook: A Planner for Change; and The Sober Leap: Practical Wisdom to Create an Amazing Life Beyond Addiction. She is also the founder of Sober Moxie, an online resource that provides community, guidance and inspiration to women in sobriety.

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