Heartbreaks and misfortunes come with the territory here in Earth School. It’s human nature to run away from what hurts us, and to develop not-so-great coping mechanisms to try to cover our pain.

Today’s guest is Kelly Sullivan Walden. She believes we can alchemize challenges into meaningful, healing growth. When we’re going through a living nightmare … and it happens to us all …  Kelly’s got some ideas to help us turn something hellish into meaningful self-exploration.


Kelly Sullivan Walden (a.k.a. Doctor Dream) is an award-winning, bestselling author of ten books. Her latest is A Crisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste. A dream expert, certified clinical hypnotherapist, inspirational speaker, and workshop facilitator, she also holds a doctorate degree in interfaith studies. Her unique approach to dream-work led her to consultant with thousands of individuals from Fortune 500 executives to celebrities to stay-at-home moms. She hosts The Kelly Sullivan Walden Show podcast, and is the founder of DreamWork Practitioner Training, an online professional-development program empowering people to incorporate dream-work into their careers. Find out more at kellysullivanwalden.com or ihadthestrangestdream.com.