How much breathing room do you give your creativity? Do you allow experimentation, time to play with colors, to sing a song you just made up right now … on the spot? Spirit speaks to us … and through us … in the most unexpected ways. By honoring our curiosity and sense of play, we are also honoring the Divine in us.

Karen Kinney says that at its core, creativity is a spiritual practice that fosters our own transformation and leads to our own liberation. It challenges us to find our voice, befriend our doubts, and dwell fully in the present moment. As we learn to grow still and embrace what is in front of us, we reclaim our power and begin to live life from a place of fullness.


Karen Kinney is a best-selling author, internationally-exhibited artist, and teacher living in Mexico. At her core, she is a mystic and guide channeling wisdom through her creative work. She has pursued a multifaceted art career and is the author of the new book Doorways to Transformation: Everyday Wisdom for the Creative Soul. Karen has studied contemplative spirituality for more than twenty years and taught about creative freedom and inner transformation in Hong Kong, Mexico, and the United States. Learn more at