Everyone handles the stress of major trauma differently. Jennifer Berk Weisman knows that to promote recovery, it’s essential to learn how to manage daily stress, practice mindfulness, and discover how to handle life’s challenges. PTSD can be crippling and prevent you from progressing. Jennifer’s here to share her journey and help you find your own resilience in the face of life-changing events.

In a split second, a car speeding through a crosswalk jeopardized everything Jennifer Berk Weisman had built. Battling life-altering trauma, PTSD, a traumatic brain injury, and the cutthroat fashion industry, Just Bones Boardwear founder Jennifer Berk Weisman refused to let the accident define her and steal her identity.

On her journey from stay-at-home mom to innovative entrepreneur surviving unexpected adversity, Jennifer conquered every obstacle with a fierce determination to succeed. Her new book, Sink or Swimwear, shares her true story of recovery, hope, and resilience. Find out more at https://jenniferberkweisman.com.