What does abundance mean to you? A lot of us relate to it as something we don’t “have” but others do. And we may be worried that we are doing something wrong or missing something that keeps us from being abundant. Maybe we think there’s only so much to go around and we missed our chance. Petia Kolibova Burns says we are all beautiful and powerful beyond measure. Our abundance mindset, our inner vision, is something that can be unlocked to help change our paths.


Petia Kolibova Burns is an abundance and light activation coach. She guides women to intuitively align with their inner vision. Petia’s mission is to empower souful expansion and full self-expression so women can become unapologetically abundant.

She uses her gifts as a certified breathwork facilitator, reiki practitioner, NLP and Human Design practitioner to bring people to the next level. Petia offers classes, retreats, and coaching. She is the creator of the Unapologetically Abundant podcast. Find out more at petiakolibova.com.

For a limited time, Petia is offering a free 30-minute abundance activation call. Find details at https://petiakolibova.com/abundance-activation-process/