Have you forgotten that you are magic? Even though I know in the depths of my being that I am a child of the Divine and that Divine Light flows through me, sometimes I just feel like that schlumpy mom who ends up doing everyone’s laundry. Athena Monet, the Seaside Shaman, is here to help us find faith and magic in ourselves, even when life leads us astray.


Athena Monet is a writer and contemporary shaman. Her Soul Medicine work uses traditional shamanic techniques, such as soul retrieval and shamanic journey; and a fusion of past life regression work, intuitive reading and Spirit therapy. She helps women navigate and free themselves from severe anxiety, depression and other mental, emotional, and physical manifestations of grief and trauma.

Athena enjoys dancing, writing, seaside living and empowering others to work with their own loving helpers of the Spirit World on their unique journeys toward healing. She’s the author of Leave With Love. Follow her on instagram @TheSeasideShaman and find classes, tools and resources on her website at www.seasideshaman.com.