Minreet Kaur is an award winning broadcast journalist and now she's retrained to become a swimming instructor.

She is the daughter of the famous Skipping Sikh MBE and won report of the year in 2020. Minreet has now retrained and is following a very different career path becoming a swimming instructor. She is on a mission to help women, particularly from the Sikh community, to learn to swim and become more confident in the water. I love how open to change Minreet has been throughout her different career journeys as fear of change can often hold so many women back in midlife. 

This change in direction from journalist to swimming teacher is all down to wanting to help her community to become healthier and more active. Since she started training she's had lots of requests from Asian women who would like her to teach their children, as well as themselves and their parents – the referrals are endless.I love Minreet's quote "I want to help women feel confident in the deep end" as it can really be applied to lots of different aspects of our lives. Learning to sit with life changes and embracing stepping out of our comfort zones.

"Growing up, there was always a taboo around swimming.

I didn’t really see anyone who looked like me that was teaching swimming – and even in recent years not much has changed.

Culturally and traditionally, swimming hasn’t been a sport that’s been promoted to Asian women.

There are no Sikh swimming role models so of course it is not an activity that everyone wants to do." #minreetkaur

I'm a big believer in the idea of,  "If you can't see it, be it!

Subjects covered-

The challenges of pursuing a career in journalism in her 30's
Finding her voice and the importance of sharing our stories
The importance of social media as a platform to be seen and heard
Lockdown life and how the Skipping challenge started with her dad
The importance of serving the community
What led Minreet to become a swimming instructor
Why representation matters
Body confidence
Life after divorce for a Sikh woman
Challenging outdated views
Learning new skills
Finding joy through ParkRuns, making new connections and stay healthy

To follow Minreet on Twitter @minkaur5 and Instagram @minreetkaur

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Where you get to hear from amazing women who are embracing life and leaving a trail of inspiration along the way.

Encouraging women after 40 to try something new and step out of their own bubble.

A group to share, celebrate wins, encourage and support other members.

It's your time to shine! Join here

I'll be back next week, so in the meantime, .... Keep being fabulous

Rachel x

(Music credited to Scott Holmes- By Big Adventure

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