Why do women find it so difficult to talk about money? Are you on top of your finances or do you bury your head in the sand?

I joined Peace Together Money coach Claire Sweet to find out how she is helping ambitious women take control of their money and plan for a better future. Knowing where to access financial help and advice can often be a daunting process and leave many feeling intimidated. Claire breaks down these barriers and has a very straight talking attitude when talking about money which I found easy to relate to. 

Subjects covered-

Why women find it difficult to discuss money
Over coming. life hurdles and understanding the financial impact that can have
Creating your dream life 
How we can make small changes to become more financially organised
What's your money story? We all have one and it could be holding you back.
Practical advice on taking control of your money

If you would like to know more about Peace Together Money Coaching with Claire please visit-


You can also find Claire on Facebook 

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I'll be back next week to share some more inspiration In the meantime.... Keep being fabulous! Rachel x

(Background music credited to Scott Holmes - Our Big Adventure.)