Welcome back to Out In The Wilds! It’s time to cover Season 2 Episode 5 (aka Day 45/Day 16 on the island). 

This is a huge set-up episode with quite a bit of heft to it... and we are excited to break it down. We'll discuss why Kirin is the worst person to have a hangover with (but the right person for Josh to talk to), the beginnings of Gretchen's "breakdown" and the concept of going home/never going home. 

We'll also get in our feels about Nora's funeral (and her reappearance), wonder how long the Dean-Leah alliance has been building, question the amount of power that Gretchen gives to her confederates and cheer the return of sassy Thom ("world-altering studies don't just fund themselves, Susan"). 

This is also the episode where the seeds of Detective!Fatin, Ben Folds and Martha's Rabbits get planted. Which WOW, big things are coming. There's lots to cover, to love and to challenge in this episode (we're looking at you, Gretchen), and it was such a pleasure to do it. 

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