Welcome back for our final Season 1 episode of Out In The Wilds! We are fondly calling this our potpourri episode because it catches (most of) the pieces that didn’t fit elsewhere.

We’re going to talk through the importance of falls from grace for each character and the significance of ongoing redemption arcs on the Island. We’ll also discuss the repeating imagery patterns (but like why are they all obsessed with camouflage and God?) and work our way through some listener submitted and frequently asked questions. We found places to laugh a lot in this one, and we hope you laugh a bit too!

This is only a goodbye for now! We are still completely reachable through our social media channels below, and are so excited to see you all again when Season 2 comes out (or before, who knows really?). Be safe and be well, until we see (/talk!) to you all again, and a big thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You all are GREAT!

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Twitter @thewildspodcast

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