Welcome back to Out In The Wilds! Episode 14 is the third of our “duo” series, where we take a deeper look into each of the pairs outside of the context of the recaps. Next up is Linh Bach (Chi Nguyen) and Gretchen Klein (Rachel Griffiths)! A bit of a different pairing to be sure, but we are excited about this one.

We’ll talk through the dubious and obscured motivations of both characters, the question of who is manipulating and when do we become the thing we are fighting against. We’ll also get into the concepts of resurrection, desecration and remembrance, as well as ask you to consider who mourns Linh as a person versus Jeanette as a symbol or a tool. Do we also call out Gretchen as a mastermind, a chameleon and a cult leader? Why yes, yes we do. And we stand by that. Also, we stand by the fact that Linh is our favourite secondary character (sorry Regan, Aly still loves you though).

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