Welcome back to Out In The Wilds! It’s time to cover Episode 8/Day 16 on the island. Shelby Goodkind, here we come! In the words of S. Twain, let’s go girls.

This is a hefty episode length-wise and content-wise. We promise there are some jokes in there. We will get into the ocean party montage, what the return of Marcus means, Gretchen’s donor lunch, the power struggle between Dan and Shelby and how sketchy this “paying off the pilot” plan is. We will also talk about Shelby’s (Mia Healey) backstory, including the perception of people as disposable, the fear of being alone, how she connects physical beauty to spiritual wellness, the danger of Dave and whether we have ever seen Shelby without a mask on. Also— somehow we mention slumber parties three times.   

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