Trump consummates his relationship with Kim Jong Un in the Philippines, earning him double-authoritarian-experience points. Trump organization celebrates by releasing a 4-minute movie trailer on Trump and North Korea. “Destiny Pictures” (aka the National Security Council) presents, “A Story of Opportunity.” Meanwhile, Trump blows up the G7.

The FBI will release report on Hillary’s emails later today. Trump organization is drooling in anticipation. Net Neutrality dead...say it with me...elections have consequences. Good thing is that we’ll have more corporate giants after a court gives the green light to the AT&T and Time-Warner merger. Next up to the plate, Comcast, Disney, CVS...and so many more. Your safe for now Amazon. Google. Larry Kudlow suffers a heart attack, showing at least someone in the Trump administration has a heart.

Amazon also in the news for successfully pressuring Seattle city council to take back a new tax that would have helped homelessness. Cal-Exit?!? A plan to split California into three separate states made it on the November ballot as a ballot initiative.  Virginia Republicans nominate Corey Stewart for the US Senate. Stewart has ties to white nationalists and neo nazis who organized the Charlottesville hate fest.

Michelle Wolf 1, Sarah Huckabee Sanders 0. Sarah “Fact Burner” Huckabee CBS News reports that Sanders is reportedly on the way out. Sanders says she was at kindergarten and knows nothing about it.

Tom Wolf takes John Fetterman out shopping for a tie.  He’ll need one of them for when he presides over the Senate. Sean meets up with David Daley, author of Ratf**ked: Why Your Vote Doesn’t Count, in the Pennsylvania Capitol this week. Daley was in town to witness and research Pennsylvania Senate Republicans’ horrific gerrymandering bill. PA Republicans are seeing to gut and existing gerrymandering reform bill and add a provision to gerrymander the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, the Commonwealth Court, and the Superior Courts. The result of the bill could be guaranteed GOP majorities for as far as the eye can see. [Get up to speed on Daley's work: New Yorker review; Vox; Majority Report]. 

And we’re happy to introduce a new podcast! Kevin Mahoney of Raging Chicken and Colleen Fitzgerald of A Home, Stony Run, are collaborating on a Free Range podcast focusing on food, policy, politics, and communities of resistance. Their inaugural episode launches today. Check out and like their Facebook page.

In today’s Last Call, Senator Wagner gets his Jimmy Johns boxed lunch in the Capitol. All that campaigning has him hungry. NASA head Jim Bridenstine all in with galactic capitalism and a Moon colony. Sean heads home. Free Will gets ready for a big Father’s Day weekend.

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