On this week's episode of Out d'Coup LIVE I am joined by student organizers Paul Berlet, Mattieu Maier, and Samantha Marencik from Kutztown University Activists

Paul Berlet is a junior Secondary English Education major. He gained grassroots organizing experience working with Kutztown Students for Sanders and most recently with Healthy Campus Bill of Rights, a group of concerned professors, community members, parents, and students that aimed to put pressure on Ku's administration regarding the fall 2020 reopening plan. Paul believes in the power of direct action to be able to empower students and employees to demand dignity from the decision-makers and bosses that continue to put profits over people.

Sam Marncik is a Sophomore Music Education major. She was excited to expand and solidify her political ideology on her arrival at Kutztown. Prior to attending Kutztown, Sam was the president of her high school's gay/straight alliance. At KU, she joined the Bernie Sanders campaign where she began to learn the importance of grassroots organizing. She had always seen herself as a humanitarian but her experience and ability to lead helped propel KUA to the successful organization it is today.

Matthieu Maier is a Sophomore Music Education major at KU. Upon his arrival at KU in 2019, he didn’t have any strong political affiliations. However, events over the past year opened his eyes to the truth of progressive and leftist policy. He believes in the power of the collective and uplifting the working class from the oppression of the ruling class. These beliefs serve as driving forces behind Matthieu’s participation in KUA and desire to ensure safety to all students and employees of KU. 

The Kutztown University Activists are a non-hierarchical group of students who formed in response to Kutztown University's negligent reopening this fall. They are fighting to end worker abuse, a safe COVID-19 plan, better student health services, and true student empowerment. KU Activists seek to create a new culture at Kutztown that empowers the students to be able to make changes regarding their own educational experience and the society more broadly.