Maxine Waters calls on demonstrators to harass the president and his administration members wherever they go in public and gets our civility debate started. Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi rebuke Waters and calls for civility. Sarah Huckabee Sanders was kicked out of the Red Hen restaurant. Sparks calls to “let them eat in peace.”  Arne Duncan compares Sarah Huckabee Sanders being denied a meal to Jim Crow.

John Micek joins the call for civility by retweeting someone who made millions getting people who believe in death panels and that Barack Obama was a Muslim into the Pennsylvania General Assembly.

Huge win in the NY 14th House District. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defeats Joe Crowley, the 4th most powerful Democrat in yesterday’s primary. Hey Associated Press: She has a name. Ben Jealous won HUGE the Democratic Party primary for Maryland Governor.

Harsh yet expected news from the Supreme Court this week Court upholds Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban. SCOTUS also sides with California anti-abortion pregnancy centers. Right before we started recording, the Janus v. AFSCME ruling came down. 5-4 decision will have the effect of striking a major blow to public sector labor unions. Hey, labor movement. Better break out copies of Jane McAlevey’s book, No Shortcuts, and re-up your subscriptions to Labor Notes.

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