Rick Santorum announces that he is out of the running for White House Chief of Staff.

Green New Deal continues to gather momentum. Writing in New York Magazine, Eric Levitz asks: “Is a Green New Deal Possible without a Revolution?” Good question. Climate activists stage a laugh-in, then protest against Trump officials’ attempt to sell “clean coal” at COP 24 Climate Summit in Poland.

AOC was a “big preoccupation” at a DC Trump hotel meeting of GOP bigwigs and political operatives.

It was Mueller drama all week long as Michael Cohen is sentenced, the National Inquirer head flips on Trump, and the Maria Butina case gets real, shining a light on Russian ties with Republican activist Paul Erickson and the NRA. The Muller investigation is getting ready for phase two of its investigation.  This time, Mueller is investigating Trump’s financial ties to Middle East dictators who are looking to influence US politics.

5 Democrats join with Republican House members to stop any discussion of stopping U.S. aid to Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen. Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders’s Senate resolution calling on Trump to cut off aid to the Saudis.

Trump organization rolled back Obama-era water protections, reopening small streams and wetlands to corporate contamination.  The rollback is seen as a gift to the Oil and Gas industry. Some large-scale farmers and homebuilders were also pleased.. About 40% of the stream in Pennsylvania will now be vulnerable.

Will last-minute push to bring back net neutrality be nixed by Democrats flush with Telecom cash. Check out DemsAgainstThe.Net to see which Democrats have still not signed on. Mary Gay Scanlon, was one of four Democrats unwilling to move to a vote...looks like the pressure worked. Scanlon has since changed her mind and is supporting attempts to change the rule back.

Chuck and Nancy do the Oval Office.

Media outlets across the state finally start giving it to Senate Republicans for their blatant attack on our democracy by threatening not to seat Lindsey Williams.  The Post Gazette told Senate Republicans to “Let it go. Let it go.” because their fight “represents a serious erosion, not only of good faith but the stability of our democracy”

Incoming PA House Representative Elizabeth Fiedler released a co-sponsor memo advocating for Fair Work Week legislation for workers across the state.  

Space Force in its final approach according to Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan.

After fully recharging following his Oval Office Mr. Roboto power-down, Mike Pence will be heading to Cape Canaveral for Tuesday’s launch of the first Air Force GPS 3 satellite atop of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

Virgin Galactic reaching the edge of space with their SpaceShipTwo heralds the launch of space tourism and more.

If you haven’t checked it out yet, you should be watching National Geographic’s Mars. In October, Mars Season 2 was launched and it’s just as good as Season 1. The latest episode, episode 5, gets into corporate corruption and greed. Well worth the time.

Free Will Brewery news. TRIPLE CAN RELEASE on Saturday: Cosmic Warp Engine, Chocolate Hazelnut C.O.B. & Vanilla C.O.B. Also, Saturday, All Day Christmas Dinner from 12-8 featuring Trè Locally Sourced, and then Beer & Breakfast with Santa on Sunday 11:30 am - 5 pm with down to earth cafe’s brunch menu. Also, Free Will is collecting *new* blankets for Tenderheartz Inc. to help friends-in-need stay warm this winter. Drop off your donation at the brewery.