Take a ride with Kevin and Sarah McCuiston of "Lifestyle Overland" in episode 5 of the Out and Back Podcast. Known for their full-time overlanding adventures, the McCuistons casually stepped into the sport when they were “looking for something to do” in rural New Mexico. Surrounded by public lands and sprawling open space, the couple quickly became obsessed with the freedom they felt on the backroads. They loved overlanding so much that they ditched the traditional 9-to-5 grind and took up residence on America’s lesser known trails, almost instantly becoming famous for their travels to wild places in their Toyota 4Runner “Silver.”

On the show, Kevin and Sarah discuss their transition from conventional life to full-time overlanding (with their young daughter Caroline in tow), the nearly 800-mile Enchanted Rockies Trail they created in the beginning of their overlanding career, their northern trip through Canada, Alaska, and beyond the Arctic Circle, the details of their rig, tips for traveling long distance with a toddler, and their favorite meals out on the road. Finally, they explain how you can break into the sport of overlanding by seeking out trips on local trails and using the 4WD vehicle you already own.