In 2013, a life-threatening crash in a cycling race sent Alan Adams into a spiral of bad decisions. He quit bike racing and faded into the worst shape of his life. After seven years, Alan finally felt stable in his relationship and job as a Patagonia sales rep. He was ready to reclaim his fitness and ambition by taking on an audacious goal. So for his New Year's resolution in 2020, the year he would turn 40, Alan aimed to climb two million vertical feet under his own power. Alan not only met his goal. He smashed it. The Bozeman, Montana, resident climbed over 2.5 million feet of vert by ski touring and cycling — breaking the record for the most human-powered vert climbed in a single year.

Tune in to hear his story of how constantly moving in the mountains taught him to appreciate time and living an uncomplicated life.