Greetings, fellow ODBers. This may surprise and even delight you, but it's time for another episode of OurDailyPodcast. Please, contain your joy. Or don't, either way is fine by me. As long as your unrestrained joy is at minimum decibel levels. We can't have you going into the game on Saturday with even the hint of hoarseness. You're going to need your voice all day long.

Before we get to the show notes, I want to make a special request that's also in the photo caption. Can we make sure that Fringe Monster is saved a spot on the front row of the stands after running the field? Fringe Monster certainly deserves to be front and center. Fringe Monster has become somewhat of a talisman, I feel. Let's make this happen, good people of Our Daily Bears.

On to the Show Notes!

News Team Assemble!

You all know this, but students CRUSHED the ticket draw in less than 48 hours. It's a little sad that so many students won't be able to get into the game, but you have to remember that the South Endzone was sold out months ago. There will be onsite watch parties happening, so maybe there will be some way that some magic can happen.

Don't forget about The Official ODB Meetup! Check out the link for the details and location. It's going to be fun. Can somebody bring name tags?

A little bit of Podcast news! Amy Pagitt will join us Sunday for a special episode. Listen to the pod for more details!

Let's Talk Texas

And I'm not talking about the state. We can all agree that the state of Texas is the greatest state. No, we're talking about the big game this weekend, and everything you could possibly want to know about it! Offense! Defense! Weather! HOW WILL TEXAS BE ABLE TO STAND THIS WEATHER WHEN THEY'RE SO FAR SOUTH OF WACO AND COMPLETELY NOT USED TO PLAYING IN THESE CONDITIONS LIKE THE BEARS ARE? These are the burning questions that we struggle with and attempt, to the best of our ability, to answer.

Picks of the Week!

Lots of picks of the week this week, though only two Big 12 slate games Since Lil' Amy P is going to be joining us on Sunday, her picks are included!


Special Audio!

In honor of the very last game played at The Case and the last regular season preview episode for football season, I put together a little audio segment with the help of some of the friends of ODP*. I hope you enjoy it. Oh yeah, it also did produce the Google Voice Transcript of the Week, too:

MattisBear: Hey guys, It's Matt, is there trying on working and I faxed in on Saturday. I don't see how we lose this one with emotion, implications on. And Don't go to work on longhorns. I said, we went by. 3 touchdowns and potentially wanted to feel well, one top of that give us and 4521 way fingers.

*Kirobaito also sent in his prediction as yet another esteemed guest of the show; sadly, something happened with his audio message and his prediction cut out completely; I didn't realize it until it was too late to get him to resend his prediction. Sorry about that Kirobaito! Know that you are loved and appreciated all the same.

Questions for ODBers

Given my focus on getting the audio segment together and asking you guys to call in with your predictions, I completely forgot to ask for No Huddles and Community Feedback questions until very late. We did get a couple of questions, though, so we decided to pose them to you here!

From @BaylorRising: Is the reason we are projected to not get an at large bid because of  size, recentness of loss or brand?

From @JohnJayMJr: I'm curious about other BU fans interactions w/ UT fans so far this week/year. So far for me, they've been incredibly nice & respectful. What about everyone else?

Also, don't forget to stay tuned after the show for the predictions and calls of those who lent their voices to our efforts! To all who called That Good Ol' Baylor Phone Line, thank you very much!