I am going on the expedition to New Mexico and have some reason to fear that I may be annoyed by some individual since I am a mulatta, and it is proper to protect my rights in such an eventuality by an affidavit showing that I am a free woman, unmarried and the legitimate daughter of Hernando, a Negro, and an Indian named Magdalena . . . . I therefore request your grace to accept this affidavit, which shows that I am free and not bound by marriage or slavery.  I request that a properly certified and signed copy be given to me in order to protect my rights, and that it carry full legal authority.  I demand justice.

- Isabel de Olvera

Yes, this is what that young lady wrote. That lady being Isabel de Olvera. Hard to imagine wanted to travel and needing permission to do so. This episode talks about Olvera as well as the so called "gender war" that is going on nowadays. I usually don't go off on a rant, but this gender war stuff has me lost. Add the fact that the story of Olvera shows that women have always wanted to be seen and respected as equal says something. Thank you to everyone who listens to the podcast. For those who want to hear the radio show go here and check the schedule out. I'm on Wednesdays at 8PM and Saturdays at 6PM.

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