In his new book, ‘Animals' Agenda: Freedom, Compassion, and Coexistence in the Human Age’ my guest Marc Bekoff and I converse on the science of animal-welfare versus animal well-being. “Whenever you see the word “welfare” in the literature, you can be pretty sure something unpleasant is being done to animals”. Our compelling conversation highlights the limitations and frustrations with the science of animal-welfare and works to emphasize that individuals matter, as well as shifting legal definitions of personhood and of the Animal Rights movement. Each aspect is a distinct facet of our anthropocentric 'humane-washing' over our relationships with non-human beings. ‘Animals’ Agenda’ calls more layers of consciousness and emotive language, that incorporates compassion and coexistence in how we approach human to human and human to non-human relationships as individuals, and how this applies in the real world, when we ‘do conservation’.