The recent trend is that CITES is outdated, that it has no teeth, that the very trade in endangered and threatened species is causing them to slip toward extinction. On the face of it that would seem a compelling argument., WildiZe Observers had the opportunity roam the halls, and like many others; we came away with more questions than answers. I felt it imperative to better understand CITES from those more knowledgeable than myself. Dr. Ronald Orenstein is a highly involved participant and Observer at CITES since 1987, a member of Board of Directors of the Species Survival Network (SSN), the Elephant Research Foundation (ERF), author and prolific writer- So who better to ask? Today we start from the beginning as Ron guides us through the layers, intricacies and inner workings of CITES in ariveting, in-depth conversation about What is CITES? What makes it unique? Does it provide a framework for the future? And provide some clarity and answers.