“East Africa, is just a microcosm, where you can still see open plains shared by so many different people and creatures has a visceral impact on most humans who see it, and fill the most jaded of us with a profound sense of wonder. If we follow our present path of development and rate of destruction, we will see the unique megafauna of Africa disappear. We are living through the antithesis of genesis right now. All those billions of years to reach a place of such wondrous diversity, and then in just a few shockingly short years, an infinitesimal pinprick of time, to annihilate it.” In his newest book, ‘Inherit the Dust’, my guest, Nick Brandt, photographer, conservationist and Cofounder of BigLife Foundation, brings into stunning conversation what visualization and conservation together can accomplish to highlight not only in our minds, but on our earth fundamental and necessary changes and a way forward and to become involved.