(..come hither, sweet child...)

As our number ones loom in the wings, allow master of ceremonies Jonathan A. Dunn a quick chance at the top of the episode to regale you with news as to how this season of our fair podcast shall conclude. Then, business as usual: QUIZ, RECENT GAMES, BIG GAME.


ANOTHER nail-biting round of both the ‘definite article’ quiz between Chris and Minty, and the ‘indefinite article’ quiz in the Minty-helmed Quiz Master’s challenge and / or Gauntlet.


Jonathan finishes Astalon, but is then paralyzed by the choice of what to play next. Pokemon Snap? Quake? Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin? Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate? Into the Breach? Spelunky? Thomas Was Alone? Xeodrifter? Hexalogic? Pokemon bleeeedin’ Crystal?

(Calm down, mate!!)

A busy Chris keeps himself sane with stolen moments of Picross before bed, and the eternal thrill of watching a collated library of games increase in number.

A similarly busy Minty continues to enjoy the ‘moreish’ Quake, and enjoys the opening cutscene of Monster Hunter Stories 2.


Nintendo sweep the O3C seconds as Metroid joins Animal Crossing, and Pokemon in the penultimate pool. Metroid Prime, the now legendary first person take on the Metroid formula, is officially Jonathan’s second favourite videogame of all time.


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Massive thanks to our Patreon subscribers Andy Smith, Gene Limbrick, CJ Anderson, Debbie Booth, Guy Lochhead, Jasper Blacketer, David Boys-Layton, Darren Hughes, Rob Wade, Nathan Bain, Chris Walker, Sam Roberts and Alex Dunn!

Connect with us via a selection of social media platforms: Our Three Cents | Linktree

Reach out to us individually:

Jonathan - www.twitter.com/jonathandunn
Chris - www.twitter.com/Chas_Hodges
Minty - www.twitter.com/clement_boo

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