Fresh from stints staying with the NHS, Jonathan and Chris reconvene to talk about the old vidcons. How did the boys entertain themselves both in and then out of hospital?

(deep breath)

Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, anyone? Tetris on mobile? The Terry Gilliam-inspired comedy adventure game Procession to Cavalry? The Gameboy’s James Bond: 007? Starfox Adventures? The Alto Collection on the Nintendo Switch? Sonic Colours Ultimate? FIFA 23?!

Then, onto our Fortnight Challenge - digging into games set for us by one another.

How did Chris get on with Amanita Design’s wordless point and click adventure Machinarium?

How did Jonathan find the Xbox Live Indie Game’s throwback Bleed?

(Special thanks to Kaspar Mairowitz for helping create our new ‘What’re You Playin’!?’ jingle!)


Massive thanks to our Patreon subscribers Andy Smith, Gene Limbrick, Debbie Booth, David Boys-Layton, Darren Hughes, Rob Wade, Ross Ewing, Roger Swan, The Giraffe, Thomas Duncan, CJ Anderson and the gang at Chat of the Wild!

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Jonathan -
Chris -

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