We continue to build community through, local leaders creating effective initiatives and direct programming with positive impact into communities. We continue to educate our listeners about historic African American communities and their  roles and contributions in vibrant cities;  This week we will speak to Community Historian Walter Gilbert from Newtown Sarasota FL; Kristen Fulwilye Thomas with Equal Ground shares information on "Take The Lead" an interactive training for African American community members who would like to go into politics  and why this is important in our local communities. Meka King, Lead Organizer of CFEA-Central Florida Entertainment Advocacy will join us and share why it was important to create an organization which advocates for African Americans in theatre and other forms of entertainment. Small Business Spotlight with LaVonda Wilder and Local Farmer Ray Warthen, Founder of Infinite Zion Farms shares his passion for building a healthy community through community farming and gardening. Wellness check in with RoseMary Johnson, Certified Yoga Instructor will give us some healthy tips as we go into March madness!