Episode 10 of the Our Regenerative Future Series

In this podcast, our host and author Alina Siegfried talks with Sheldon Levet from Kaicycle, Sarah Smuts Kennedy from For the Love of Bees, Bailey Peryman from Cultivate Christchurch and Daniel Schuurman from Biologix

The panelists reimagine the future of local food production in our cities and discuss how building networks of urban regenerative farmers can help improve biodiversity, build carbon rich soils and lead to community well being. 


Urban Farmers Alliance: https://www.urbanfarmersalliance.org.nz/urban-farms

OMG Urban Farm: 

Pure Advantage:  www.pureadvantage.org

Host Alina Seigfried: https://www.alinasiegfried.com

Follow us on IG: https://www.instagram.com/pureadvantage/