Hi everyone, I just have a few words to say.

This mix was made from the heart in dedication to all those affected by Covid-19, the heroes and the victims. It is uninterrupted, meaning no voiceovers or jingles, just the music. I believe this is one of my favorite mixes I’ve ever done, some mashups still need some polishing to do, however, please comment which ones are your favorites, I am planning on giving some away soon to whoever is interested.

In regards to this crisis, we have a long way ahead of us, but we shall overcome this, together. We’ve had many wake up calls by mother nature before, but hopefully, this one will truly make us reflect and do better in the future.

Stay home, stay safe, and enjoy!

To keep the element of surprise within my set, I won’t be posting the tracklist until next week. If you’d like to know the name of a track and/or mashup just contact me in the meanwhile.