Welcome to Our Own Voices Live with your hosts: Angela Thomas & Rodney Smith

Our Topic(s) today: “The intersecting of guns, violence, politics and society!”

If you have a question, comment or just want to listen, give us a call: (347) 826-9600. Press #1 to speak


The Intersecting of Guns, Violence, Politics and Society!

In Las Vegas last week the largest mass shooting and killing in modern history took place and it happened at the hand of one man.  59 dead and roughly 500 wounded!  It happened at an outdoor country music festival and concert.  While the motive is still sought in this incident it does seem to happen more frequently with greater casualties.  What is it about American society that breeds these acts, how does our politics play into this and why does this type of violence gain more attention than others?  It just might be partisan politics


If you have a question, comment or just want to listen, give us a call: (347) 826-9600. Press #1 to speak

Our Own Voices Live is a radio show featuring people and stories from our community in Las Vegas, the surrounding area and some place near you. America is the greatest country on earth due to its cultural diversity and not in spite of it. Our mission is to help bridge the cultural and ethnic divide in America by working together to build the greatest bridge in history to unite us