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Welcome to Our Own Voices Live with your host: Rodney Smith.

Our Topic(s) today: “Community Leadership”

If you have a question, comment or just want to listen, give us a call (347) 826-9600. Press 1 to speak

Community Leadership

Community leadership is a specific form of the general concept of leadership. It is frequently based in place and so is local, although it can also represent a community of common interest, purpose or practice. It can be individual or group leadership, voluntary or paid. In many localities it is provided by a combination of local volunteers, business and government and is best served by what is called "place management", ie. a combination within a region of Government resources, professional and business skills and the energies of the local community [Sorenson & Epps, 1996:115-117; Osborne & Gaebler, 1993]

 A community leader is someone who is perceived to represent the community’s interests and plays the role of protecting them. This role could be paid for or voluntarily, most communities have held this role as a voluntary one.  Community leaders have a vast range of roles that range from mobilizing communities for a common cause to designing courses of action to overcome common challenges. 

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If you have a question, comment or just want to listen, give us a call (347) 826-9600. Press 1 to speak

Our Own Voices Live is a radio show featuring people and stories from our community in Las Vegas, the surrounding area and some place near you. America is the greatest country on earth due to its cultural diversity and not in spite of it. Our mission is to help bridge the cultural and ethnic divide in America by working together to build the greatest bridge in history to unite us